Upcoming events.

Peter Pan Jr. - Performance 1
Join us as Peter Pan, his mischievous sidekick Tinkerbell, and the Darling children take us on a magical journey to Neverland! In the adventure of a lifetime, we will travel to Neverland and come face to face with a ticking crocodile, the fierce Brave Girls, a band of bungling pirates, and of course, the villainous Captain Hook!
With a full homeschool cast of 40 students ages 8-19, this show promises to be something special
Featuring the iconic songs, “I’m Flying”, “I’ve Gotta Crow”, “I Won’t Grow Up”, and “Never Never Land”, Peter Pan JR. is the perfect show for the child in all of us… who dreamed of soaring high and never growing up.
“All you need is Faith, trust… and a little bit of Pixie dust!”

Peter Pan Jr. - Performance 2
Join us as Peter Pan, his mischievous sidekick Tinkerbell, and the Darling children take us on a magical journey to Neverland! In the adventure of a lifetime, we will travel to Neverland and come face to face with a ticking crocodile, the fierce Brave Girls, a band of bungling pirates, and of course, the villainous Captain Hook!
With a full homeschool cast of 40 students ages 8-19, this show promises to be something special
Featuring the iconic songs, “I’m Flying”, “I’ve Gotta Crow”, “I Won’t Grow Up”, and “Never Never Land”, Peter Pan JR. is the perfect show for the child in all of us… who dreamed of soaring high and never growing up.
“All you need is Faith, trust… and a little bit of Pixie dust!”

Peter Pan Jr. - Performance 3
Join us as Peter Pan, his mischievous sidekick Tinkerbell, and the Darling children take us on a magical journey to Neverland! In the adventure of a lifetime, we will travel to Neverland and come face to face with a ticking crocodile, the fierce Brave Girls, a band of bungling pirates, and of course, the villainous Captain Hook!
With a full homeschool cast of 40 students ages 8-19, this show promises to be something special
Featuring the iconic songs, “I’m Flying”, “I’ve Gotta Crow”, “I Won’t Grow Up”, and “Never Never Land”, Peter Pan JR. is the perfect show for the child in all of us… who dreamed of soaring high and never growing up.
“All you need is Faith, trust… and a little bit of Pixie dust!”

Spring Concert
Come join our music classes and choirs for our 2024 spring concert! We will have all of our academy performances, from choirs to music theory classes of all ages, as well as some special guest performances. As our spring semester comes to a close, we can’t wait to share with you all we have learned this year. Our Concert will feature the following musical groups:
MKS Studio Worship Band
Music Makers
Music and Movement kids
MKS Youth Guitarists
Bravo Youth Choir
Allegro Concert Choir
Vivace Select Choir
You can check out the details of the live performance on our YouTube channel. The concert is free, so invite your family and friends, and come celebrate the season with us through song! This concert will also be live-streamed.

Musical Theater Skills Camp 2025
Calling all actors, singers, and dancers! We would like to invite you to our Musical Theater Skills Summer Camp. This camp is going to be a jam-packed week of learning and fun, filled with dancing, acting, and vocal workshops that will take your student to the next level. Our week of learning will culminate in a showcase presentation on the last day to share all we’ve learned.
Classes will run from 9am to 12pm, Monday through Friday. Cost for the camp is $200+enrollment fee, which includes a t-shirt! To make sure every student gets the most out of the experience, we’re offering a Junior camp for kids ages 8-12, and a Senior camp, for teens ages 13-19.
If you’re looking to continue to grow your students skills through the summer, this is the place to do it! Registration opens March 7th, and there is limited availability, so don’t wait. Click the link below to register.

Show Choir Summer Camp 2025
We’d like to invite YOU to join us for a fun filled week of singing, dancing, and community.
Our Show Choir Summer Camp is full of workshops, team building exercises, and age-appropriate challenges that will boost confidence and growth. Camps will be divided into a Jr. group of kids ages 8-12 and a Sr. group of teens ages 13 -19.
Our unique camp is designed to build self-esteem while focusing on the fundamentals of vocal technique, dance choreography, and musical Show Choir design!
We will also go through basic music theory to give participants an introduction into sight-reading sheet music.
Cost of the class is $200+enrollment fee for the week, and all participants will receive a camp t-shirt.
Each group class will run from 9:00am to noon every day, with a showcase performance to be presented to the public at 11:30 on the final day of camp.
Space is limited, so snag your spot while they are available. Please have your student bring a water bottle label with their name, and a snack. All other supplies will be provided.
Registration opens March 7th, and you can complete sign up for camp at the button below. Feel free to reach out with any questions to Monica Koffi at monica@mks.studio

BRIO Homeschool Show Choir - OPEN AUDITIONS 2025
Calling all homeschool teens!
If you have a teen interested in growing their abilities, stage presence, vocal ability, with some amazing performance opportunities, we'd love to invite you to audition for MKS Studio's BRIO Show Choir.
PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, so fill out the form found at the button below to mark your audtion slot!
BRIO Show Choir is a high school choir specifically designed for homeschool students looking to grow their skills and gain confidence through singing and dancing onstage. We will challenge your teens to grow in their stage presence, give them a solid base for growing their vocal skill in the future, and help them to learn complex dance steps at the same time. This choir also has incredible performance opportunities at various events throughout the year, and will conclude the year with an exclusive showcase concert!
We’ll be having open auditions on Monday, August 5th from 1pm - 5pm. Please have your student bring a song to perform for us and be ready to sing a cappella. Please also have your teen ready to sing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” with harmonization from one of our judges.
Then we’ll have a choreography session where we will teach students some basic dance steps and have them perform them together at the end of the session for our judges panel.
Results will be announced the week following our auditions, with recommendation of where your teen would fit best in our choirs at MKS Studio. Those who are accepted into our advanced group will then enroll for the class through our website to accept the offer.
Auditions are open to anyone ages 13-19 who currently homeschools! The only requirement is that you’ve either participated in a choir (please bring a reference if the choir is unrelated to MKS Studio) or have been involved in singing publicly in some form, either in a church setting or private vocal lessons. This year we will not be accepting private auditions outside of this date, so for those wanting to participate, attendance is mandatory.

Vivace' Select Choir OPEN AUDITIONS 2025/2026
Do you homeschool and have a teen looking to be challenged in their vocal ability? We have just the thing for you!
Join us for open auditions for MKS Studio's advanced teen ensemble, Vivace’ Select Choir.
PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, so don’t forget to fill out the registration form at the button below to snag your audition slot.
Vivace’ Select Choir is a group of homeschool teens ages 13-19 that perform at various events around Omaha, including the Durham Museum, and singing the National Anthem! This group also gets the chance to record a professional music video every year. Our goal in this group is to take students who have a basic understanding of singing, and increase their knowledge and abilities in blending, complex harmonization, proper vocal technic, and recording and performing professionally. This group is a part of a Christian organization, with the goal of honoring Christ through our songs and performances.
If your teens (guys and gals!) have experience singing in choir, we’d love to invite them to try out for this incredible advanced choirs.
We’ll be having open auditions on Monday, August 4th from 1pm - 3pm. Please have your student bring a song to perform for us and be ready to sing a cappella. Please also have your teen ready to sing “Mary Had A Little Lamb” with harmonization from one of our judges.
Results will be announced the week following our auditions, with recommendation of where your teen would fit best in one of our three choirs at MKS Studio. Those who are accepted into our advanced groups will then enroll for the class prior to enrollment closing.
Auditions are open to any teens currently homeschooling in the state of Nebraska! The only requirement is that you’ve either participated in a choir (please bring a reference if the choir is unrelated to MKS Studio) or have been involved in singing publicly in some form, either in a church setting or private vocal lessons. This year we will not be accepting private auditions outside of this date, so for those wanting to participate in this group, attendance is mandatory.
Sign up for your audition at the registration button below!

MKS Studio Open House 2025
So, what is this academy like, anyway? Well, we’re glad you asked! Come join us for our annual open house on Monday, August 11th to learn more about the studio, meet the instructors, find where your classes will be, and get excited about learning.
This event is open to the public, and we welcome current students as well as those looking to learn more about classes!
We will be a meet & greet with all our teachers, a tour of Grace Central Church and our classrooms, and a night to learn more about what we offer and what our year will look like! We’ll also be taking on-site enrollments for all classes and choirs. Everyone in attendance will be entered into a raffle drawing for some very special prizes and goodies.
You don’t want to miss this! So spread the word, bring a friend, and come find out more about MKS Studio.

BRIO Show Choir at Galaxy of the Stars- Competition 3
Join BRIO Show choir for an event of epic proportions! This is our third and final show choir competition performance of the season, featuring our fully homeschooled BRIO show choir.
We will be performing our 2025 show, “A Memorable Motown Moment”, featuring songs from the iconic Motown era that are sure to wow you. Our performance will be bursting with lively music, original dance moves, and beautiful harmonies.
This is the first year that homeschoolers have had the opportunity to represent the homeschool community at area competitions in all of Nebraska, and we are excited to get the chance!
So, mark your calendars and come on out to support Omaha’s only homeschool show choir, BRIO.

BRIO Show Choir at Echoes of the East - Competition 2
Join BRIO Show choir for an event of epic proportions! This is our second show choir competition performance of the season, featuring our fully homeschooled BRIO show choir.
We will be performing our 2025 show, “A Memorable Motown Moment”, featuring songs from the iconic Motown era that are sure to wow you. Our performance will be bursting with lively music, original dance moves, and beautiful harmonies.
This is the first year that homeschoolers have had the opportunity to represent the homeschool community at area competitions in all of Nebraska, and we are excited to get the chance!
So, mark your calendars and come on out to support Omaha’s only homeschool show choir, BRIO.

BRIO Show Choir at Burke Bonanza - Competition 1
Join BRIO Show choir for an event of epic proportions! This is our first ever show choir competition performance with our fully homeschooled BRIO show choir.
We will be performing our 2025 show, “A Memorable Motown Moment”, featuring songs from the iconic Motown era that are sure to wow you. Our performance will be bursting with lively music, original dance moves, and beautiful harmonies.
This is the first group to ever have the opportunity to represent the homeschool community at area competitions in all of Nebraska, and we are excited to get the chance!
So mark your calendars and come on out to support Omaha’s only homeschool show choir, BRIO.

Christmas at Union Station - Second Performance
Come join MKS Studio for our second performance at the Durham Museum! Our students will be performing as a part of the time-honored Omaha Tradition, “Christmas At Union Station”.
We will have performances by our Peter Pan Cast, our BRIO Homeschool Show Choir, and our Vivace’ Select Choir.
It’s a great event for the whole family. Live music will be playing back-to-back all evening, and you can stay and experience the magic of the region’s largest indoor Christmas tree, learn about holiday traditions from Omaha and around the globe and visit Santa himself.
We hope you’ll come out and join us!

Christmas at Union Station - First Performance
Come join MKS Studio for our first performance at the Durham Museum! Our students will be performing as a part of the time-honored Omaha Tradition, “Christmas At Union Station”.
We will have performances by Bravo Youth Choir, Allegro Concert Choir, and our Music Makers class. Our performance will be from 6:10 - 6:30pm.
It’s a great event for the whole family. Live music will be playing back-to-back all evening, and you can stay and experience the magic of the region’s largest indoor Christmas tree, learn about holiday traditions from Omaha and around the globe and visit Santa himself.
We hope you’ll come out and join us!

Spring 2025 Open Enrollment!
Music is an incredible tool to grow your child's cognitive function, team-oriented problem solving skills, and confidence!
At MKS Studio, we offer only the most engaging, thorough, and academic courses. Check out our website for all our incredible music class offerings available this fall. Here’s a listing of what we have to offer this year:
Foundations of Theater - Ages 8-12
Center Stage - Ages 13-18
Music & Movement - Ages 5-7
Music Makers – Ages 8-12
Guitar Basics - Ages 13-18
Bravo Youth Choir – Ages 8-12
Allegro Concert Choir – Ages 13-18

Winter Concert
Come join our music classes and choirs for a winter concert to celebrate the birth of a Savior! We will have all of our academy performances, from choirs to music theory classes of all ages, as well as some special guest performances. As our fall semester comes to a close, we can’t wait to share with you all we have learned this year. Our Concert will feature the following musical groups:
MKS Worship Band
Music Makers
Music and Movement
MKS Youth Guitarists
Bravo Youth Choir
Allegro Concert Choir
Vivace Select Choir
BRIO Show Choir
You can check out the details of the live performance on our website events page. The concert is free, so invite your family and friends, and come celebrate the season with us through song! This concert will also be live-streamed.

2024 Fall Theater Showcase - presented by Foundations of Theater and Center Stage
Come join our theater class students present their semester-end performances. Students from our Foundations of Theater class and Center Stage will be sharing monologues, and will each share a skit.
This performance is free and open to the public,and will be held in the south building of Grace Central Church. So bring a friend and come support local youth arts education!

MKS Studio's Annual Fundraising Gala - Black Tie Event
We're excited to invite you to our annual Black Tie affair!
This event promises to be a memorable evening filled with fun! Grab a date and enjoy a fancy evening, while giving back to the Christian homeschool community.
You’ll enjoy social time, catered dinner, a silent auction with incredible baskets full of goodies, and an evening to learn more about MKS Studio.
Tickets go live on September 1st.
Come show your support and help us raise funds for our Christian homeschool musical theatre program and our advanced choirs at MKS Studio.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to make a difference while having a blast! See you there!

MKS Studio Open House 2024
So, what is this academy like, anyway? Well, we’re glad you asked! Come join us for our annual open house on Monday, August 12th to learn more about the studio, meet the instructors, find where your classes will be, and get excited about learning.
This event is for current students, and those looking to learn more about classes!
We will be a meet & greet with all our teachers, a tour of Grace Central Church and our class rooms, and a night to learn more about what we offer and what our year will look like! We’ll also be taking on-site enrollments for all classes and choirs. Everyone in attendance will be entered into a raffle drawing for some very special prizes and goodies.
You don’t want to miss this! So spread the word, bring a friend, and come find out more about MKS Studio.

Vivace' Select Choir OPEN AUDITIONS
Do you homeschool and have a teen looking to be challenged in their vocal ability? We have just the thing for you!
Join us for open auditions for MKS Studio's advanced teen ensemble, Vivace’ Select Choir.
PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, so don’t forget to fill out the registration form at the button below to snag your audition slot.
Vivace’ Select Choir is a group of homeschool teens ages 13-19 that perform at various events around Omaha, including the Durham Museum, and singing the National Anthem! This group also gets the chance to record a professional music video every year. Our goal in this group is to take students who have a basic understanding of singing, and increase their knowledge and abilities in blending, complex harmonization, proper vocal technic, and recording and performing professionally. This group is a part of a Christian organization, with the goal of honoring Christ through our songs and performances.
If your teens (guys and gals!) have experience singing in choir, we’d love to invite them to try out for this incredible advanced choirs.
We’ll be having open auditions on Monday, August 5th from 1pm - 3pm. Please have your student bring a song to perform for us and be ready to sing a cappella. Please also have your teen ready to sing “Mary Had A Little Lamb” with harmonization from one of our judges.
Results will be announced the week following our auditions, with recommendation of where your teen would fit best in one of our three choirs at MKS Studio. Those who are accepted into our advanced groups will then enroll for the class prior to enrollment closing.
Auditions are open to any teens currently homeschooling in the state of Nebraska! The only requirement is that you’ve either participated in a choir (please bring a reference if the choir is unrelated to MKS Studio) or have been involved in singing publicly in some form, either in a church setting or private vocal lessons. This year we will not be accepting private auditions outside of this date, so for those wanting to participate in this group, attendance is mandatory.
Sign up for your audition at the registration button below!

BRIO Homeschool Show Choir - OPEN AUDITIONS
Calling all homeschool teens!
If you have a teen interested in growing their abilities, stage presence, vocal ability, with some amazing performance opportunities, we'd love to invite you to audition for MKS Studio's BRIO Show Choir.
PREREGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, so fill out the form found at the button below to mark your audtion slot!
BRIO Show Choir is a high school choir specifically designed for homeschool students looking to grow their skills and gain confidence through singing and dancing onstage. We will challenge your teens to grow in their stage presence, give them a solid base for growing their vocal skill in the future, and help them to learn complex dance steps at the same time. This choir also has incredible performance opportunities at various events throughout the year, and will conclude the year with an exclusive showcase concert!
We’ll be having open auditions on Monday, August 5th from 1pm - 5pm. Please have your student bring a song to perform for us and be ready to sing a cappella. Please also have your teen ready to sing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” with harmonization from one of our judges.
Then we’ll have a choreography session where we will teach students some basic dance steps and have them perform them together at the end of the session for our judges panel.
Results will be announced the week following our auditions, with recommendation of where your teen would fit best in our choirs at MKS Studio. Those who are accepted into our advanced group will then enroll for the class through our website to accept the offer.
Auditions are open to anyone ages 13-19 who currently homeschools! The only requirement is that you’ve either participated in a choir (please bring a reference if the choir is unrelated to MKS Studio) or have been involved in singing publicly in some form, either in a church setting or private vocal lessons. This year we will not be accepting private auditions outside of this date, so for those wanting to participate, attendance is mandatory.

Peter Pan Jr. Auditions
Save the date for our Peter Pan Jr. Auditions. This event is a closed audition for enrollees of our Advanced Musical Theater class.
Current students participating will get the chance to read through the script with other students, learn and perform a short choreographed piece, and sing a solo. Please have your student prepare a song to share with us, and be ready to read for the character they’d like to audition for.

Show Choir Summer Camp
We’d like to invite YOU to join us for a fun filled week of singing, dancing, and community.
Our Show Choir Summer Camp is full of workshops, team building exercises, and age-appropriate challenges that will boost confidence and growth. Camps will be divided into a Jr. group of kids ages 8-12 and a Sr. group of teens ages 13 -19.
Led by Anne Tipton and Christina Courie, it is designed to build self-esteem while focusing on the fundamentals of vocal technique, dance choreography, and musical Show Choir design!
We will also go through basic music theory to give participants an introduction into sight-reading sheet music.
Cost of the class is $200+enrollment fee for the week, and all participants will receive a camp t-shirt.
Each group class will run from 9:00am to noon every day, with a showcase performance to be presented to the public at 11:30 on the final day of camp.
Space is limited, so snag your spot while they are available. Please have your student bring a water bottle label with their name, and a snack. All other supplies will be provided.
Registration opens March 8th, and you can complete sign up for camp at the button below. Feel free to reach out with any questions to Monica Koffi at monica@mks.studio

Musical Theater Skills Camp
Calling all actors, singers, and dancers! We are so excited to announce our very first Musical Theater Skills Camp. This camp is going to be a jam-packed week of learning and fun, filled with dancing, acting, and vocal workshops that will take your student to the next level. Our week of learning will culminate in a showcase presentation on the last day to share all we’ve learned.
Classes will run from 9am to 12pm, Monday through Friday. Cost for the camp is $200+enrollment fee, which includes a t-shirt! To make sure every student gets the most out of the experience, we’re offering a Junior camp for kids ages 8-12, and a Senior camp, for teens ages 13-19.
If you’re looking to continue to grow your students skills through the summer, this is the place to do it! Registration opens March 8th, and there is limited availability, so don’t wait. Click the link below to register.

Vivace Sings the National Anthem at the 2024 MCWS
We are pleased to announce Vivace' Select Choir has been chosen to perform the National Anthem at the 2024 Men's College World Series.
Our group was chosen from among an extremely talented pool of over 100 applicants, from 23 states across the US. These teens have worked so hard this year, and we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishment.
Join us at the Men's College World Series in Omaha as we open up the 8th game of the series on Monday, June 17th at 6:00pm. Congratulations to our Vivace' Select Choir!
Purchase tickets to join us at the button below

BRIO Show Choir Showcase
Lights, Camera, Action!
Join MKS Studio’s exclusive BRIO Show choir for their first solo performance showcase of “ON BROADWAY” on Monday, May 6th.
Let us take you on a journey through some classic songs performed ON BROADWAY, with visually appealing artistic elements, coupled with a highly-talented group of teens who sing and dance. Conducted by Candace Gould, with original choreography from Christina Courie. This group of singers are ready to keep you on the edge of your seats as we take a journey through songs featured ON BROADWAY. You don’t want to miss this performance, with a 100% homeschooled cast!
This performance is free and open to the public, so spread the word, and come out to support these incredible students as they share a years worth of hard work and dedication to “ON BROADWAY”.

MKS Studio Spring Concert 2024
Come join our music classes and choirs for our 2024 spring concert! We will have all of our academy performances, from choirs to music theory classes of all ages, as well as some special guest performances. As our spring semester comes to a close, we can’t wait to share with you all we have learned this year. Our Concert will feature the following musical groups:
MKS Studio Worship Band
Music Makers
Music and Movement kids
MKS Youth Guitarists
Bravo Youth Choir
Allegro Concert Choir
Vivace Select Choir
You can check out the details of the live performance on our event page on Facebook. The concert is free, so invite your family and friends, and come celebrate the season with us through song! This concert will also be live-streamed.

Theater Showcase - presented by Foundations of Theater and Center Stage
Come join our theater class students present their semester-end performances. Students from our Foundations of Theater class and Center Stage will be sharing monologues, and will each share a skit.
This performance is free and open to the public,and will be held in the south building of Grace Central Church. So bring a friend and come support local youth arts education!

APRIL 19TH AND 20TH , 2024
Leaping Lizards! Omaha will “stick up its chin and grin and sing ‘Tomorrow! Tomorrow!’” when MKS Studio performs Annie JR., it was announced by Drew Cohen, president of Music Theatre International (MTI). Based on the popular comic strip and adapted from the Tony Award-winning best musical by Tony Award-winners, Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin, Annie JR. tells the story of a spunky Depression-era orphan determined to find her parents.
“Annie is a heartwarming show with an important message about the true nature of family. In the show, we see how a plucky little girl transforms her entire life by making the most out of every moment,” says Cohen. “MTI would like to applaud the students from MKS Studio for all their hard work on their production.”
MKS Studio will present Annie JR. on April 19th at 6pm, April 20th at 1pm & 6pm at Marian High School located at 7400 Military Ave. Omaha, NE 68122. Tickets are $15 and will be available for purchase starting January 22, 2024. There is no dress code, but the cast will remind you that you are “never fully dressed without a smile.”
Annie JR. follows the story of an orphan named Annie living a “hard-knock life” at The New York City Municipal Orphanage run by the cruel Miss Hannigan. Annie dreams of being reunited with her parents and takes action to find them. In adventure after fun-filled adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan's evil machinations, befriends President Franklin Roosevelt and finds a new family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary Grace Farrell and a lovable mutt named Sandy.
Annie JR. is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized materials are supplied by Music Theatre International 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY, (212) 541-4684, mtishows.com.
This Saturday evening show will feature the following lead cast:
🎭 Harper Courie as Annie
🎭 Langdon Witt as Daddy Warbucks
🎭 Keira Courie as Grace Ferrell
🎭 Grace Koffi as Miss Hannigan
Snag your tickets to one or all shows before they sell out. You won't want to miss Annie Jr live!
contact: Kristen Culver

APRIL 19TH AND 20TH , 2024
Leaping Lizards! Omaha will “stick up its chin and grin and sing ‘Tomorrow! Tomorrow!’” when MKS Studio performs Annie JR., it was announced by Drew Cohen, president of Music Theatre International (MTI). Based on the popular comic strip and adapted from the Tony Award-winning best musical by Tony Award-winners, Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin, Annie JR. tells the story of a spunky Depression-era orphan determined to find her parents.
“Annie is a heartwarming show with an important message about the true nature of family. In the show, we see how a plucky little girl transforms her entire life by making the most out of every moment,” says Cohen. “MTI would like to applaud the students from MKS Studio for all their hard work on their production.”
MKS Studio will present Annie JR. on April 19th at 6pm, April 20th at 1pm & 6pm at Marian High School located at 7400 Military Ave. Omaha, NE 68122. Tickets are $15 and will be available for purchase starting January 22, 2024. There is no dress code, but the cast will remind you that you are “never fully dressed without a smile.”
Annie JR. follows the story of an orphan named Annie living a “hard-knock life” at The New York City Municipal Orphanage run by the cruel Miss Hannigan. Annie dreams of being reunited with her parents and takes action to find them. In adventure after fun-filled adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan's evil machinations, befriends President Franklin Roosevelt and finds a new family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary Grace Farrell and a lovable mutt named Sandy.
Annie JR. is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized materials are supplied by Music Theatre International 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY, (212) 541-4684, mtishows.com.
Our Saturday Matinee show will feature:
🎭 Alaina Scheufele as Annie
🎭 Will Tyler as Daddy Warbucks
🎭 Olivia Alston as Grace Ferrell
🎭 Eliana Kelley as Miss Hannigan
Snag your tickets to one or all shows before they sell out. You won't want to miss Annie Jr live!
Contact: Kristen Culver kristen.mks.studio@gmail.com

Leaping Lizards! Omaha will “stick up its chin and grin and sing ‘Tomorrow! Tomorrow!’” when MKS Studio performs Annie JR., it was announced by Drew Cohen, president of Music Theatre International (MTI). Based on the popular comic strip and adapted from the Tony Award-winning best musical by Tony Award-winners, Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin, Annie JR. tells the story of a spunky Depression-era orphan determined to find her parents.
“Annie is a heartwarming show with an important message about the true nature of family. In the show, we see how a plucky little girl transforms her entire life by making the most out of every moment,” says Cohen. “MTI would like to applaud the students from MKS Studio for all their hard work on their production.”
MKS Studio will present Annie JR. on April 19th at 6pm, April 20th at 1pm & 6pm at Marian High School located at 7400 Military Ave. Omaha, NE 68122. Tickets are $15 and will be available for purchase starting January 22, 2024. There is no dress code, but the cast will remind you that you are “never fully dressed without a smile.”
Annie JR. follows the story of an orphan named Annie living a “hard-knock life” at The New York City Municipal Orphanage run by the cruel Miss Hannigan. Annie dreams of being reunited with her parents and takes action to find them. In adventure after fun-filled adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan's evil machinations, befriends President Franklin Roosevelt and finds a new family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary Grace Farrell and a lovable mutt named Sandy.
Annie JR. is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized materials are supplied by Music Theatre International 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY, (212) 541-4684, mtishows.com.
This Friday evening show will feature the following lead cast:
🎭 Harper Courie as Annie
🎭 Langdon Witt as Daddy Warbucks
🎭 Keira Courie as Grace Ferrell
🎭 Grace Koffi as Miss Hannigan
Snag your tickets before they sell out! We hope to see you there.

Cookie Dough Sale Fundraiser
COOKIE DOUGH SALES HAVE BEGUN!🚨📣 Have you tried Eileen's Colossal Cookies? We’re selling the delicious cookie dough by the 3lb containers just for you!
These cookies are so yummy. The dough freezes perfectly, and each container makes 33 cookies. One tub is only $20.
Here’s the flavor options:
Chocolate Chip
Monster oatmeal
M & M
Oatmeal Raisin
Peanut Butter
Click the button below if you’re interested, and we’ll share details of payment and pickup. All of the proceeds of this sale go to benefit the students of our current programs and projects at MKS Studio.

MKS at "Holly Days"
Join us to embrace the magic of the season at Holly Days – our enchanting holiday event set in the heart of downtown this December 9th at Heartland of America Park from 2 – 6PM.
Feel the holiday spirit come alive with enchanting live music performed by MKS Studio’s own VIVACE SELECT CHOIR, with a special sneak peek of our “Annie Jr.” musical theater production to premiere in April 2024.
With a magical blend of festive delights, live holiday music by local musicians, and enchanting activities, Holly Days promises to be a winter wonderland that will fill your heart with holiday cheer.
The RiverFront is proud to announce an inaugural food drive in conjunction with Holly Days on December 9th, sponsored by our partners at Valmont. The wintertime season is one of generosity and compassion, but it can also be challenging for some of our friends and neighbors. Visitors may bring four nonperishable food items in exchange for an ice skate rental at the Heartland of America Park Skate Ribbon.
Witness the beauty and wonder of Santa’s reindeer. These majestic creatures will make your holiday dreams come true and create a charming atmosphere.
Gather around the fire pit to roast marshmallows and enjoy a cozy storytelling session, warming your heart and your taste buds.
Glide on the ice beneath the stars to the beats of a local DJ. It's a holiday dance party on ice, creating an unforgettable and vibrant atmosphere.
Embark on a quest through Heartland of America Park for a chance to win an exciting holiday prize. Search for holiday-themed clues and hidden treasures, sparking your inner explorer.
Capture the holiday magic with enchanting photo settings, including a free professional photo station for creating the perfect holiday card.
Sip on steaming hot coco accompanied with an array of delicious toppings. It's the perfect way to stay warm and embrace the holiday season.
Marvel at the artistry of ice sculptors as they craft intricate and captivating ice sculptures, adding an extra touch of wonder to the event.
11am – 6pm The RiverFront Holiday Food Drive Sponsored by Valmont
Table set near the skate ribbon on the 8th street plaza, free skate tickets passed out when individual brings food drive items.
2pm – 4pm Holiday Music Performances at The Lakeside Amphitheater
Turnbridge Collective
Vivace Select Choir
Annie Jr Cast
2pm – 6pm Holly Days Photo Ops at 8th Street Plaza
Fun Services
2pm – 6pm Santas Reindeer Display and Sled
Scatter Joy Acres
2pm – 6pm Food Trucks
2pm – 4pm Holiday Dance Class
Metro Community College
2pm – 6pm S’mores and Stories – Holiday short stories around firepit at the top of every hour with s’mores provided!
2pm – 6pm Duck the Halls Scavenger Hunt
Holiday themed scavenger hunt throughout Heartland of America Park to find all of the holiday themed ducks. If successful, the hunt will guide you to a holiday gift!
2pm – 6pm National Holiday Card Day
PAT on Tap will be doing free family portraits with a professional camera and link to download free photos.
2pm – 6pm Ice Sculpting/Art Display
Matt Seeley
3pm – 6pm Merry & Bright Skate Night with a local DJ.
Checking with DJs
3pm – 5pm Free Hot Coco Bar
Toms Coffee Truck gives free hot coco and a toppings bar close.
The Skate Ribbon will be open from 11am – 10pm.

Winter Craft Sale 2023
Come join the Vivace’ Select Choir and the Annie Jr. cast for our winter craft sale fundraiser! We are raising money to help offset the cost of filming and producing our year-end professional choir video, as well as the creating an incredible experience for our musical production this coming spring.
Last year, we had a great amount of support and were able to film an incredible video of our choir performing "Give Me Jesus". This year we're hoping to be able to fund our fourth video with your help. We are also embarking on our annual full scale homeschool production of “Annie Jr.” which will include custom built sets, original costumes, and three performances at the beautiful Marian High School Theater this coming April.
These students have been working hard to make items that are crafty, beautiful, and delicious. Some of these items to be sold will include:
Bracelets and Earrings
Printed t-shirts and bags
Homemade Christmas Ornaments
Homemade wreaths
Original Watercolor Paintings
Magnets and Coasters
String Art
Wood Journals
Beautiful Crochet items
Coffee Mugs
Wood Block Families
Sock babies
lots of homemade yummy baked goods
Interactive painting experience for kids while parents shop (with a personalized painting they will finish and take home to gift to someone for Christmas!)
coffee, boba tea, and delicious snacks while you shop!
We would love to have you join us as we strive to build better Christian music education in our youth and local homeschool community! This program would not be possible without your support of our efforts. So spread the word and come on out to buy some great things.

MKS at the Durham Museum
Come join the choirs of MKS Studio for a Christmas celebration! Our students will be performing as a part of the time-honored Omaha Tradition, “Christmas At Union Station”.
We will have performances by Bravo Youth Choir, Allegro Concert Choir, BRIO Show Choir, and Vivace’ Select Choir, and our performance will be from 12:30-1:00.
It’s a great event for the whole family. Live music will be playing back-to-back all afternoon, and you can stay and experience the magic of the region’s largest indoor Christmas tree, learn about holiday traditions from Omaha and around the globe and visit Santa himself.
We hope you’ll come out and join us!

MKS Studio Winter Concert
Come join our music classes and choirs for a winter concert to celebrate the birth of a Savior! We will have all of our academy performances, from choirs to music theory classes of all ages, as well as some special guest performances. As our fall semester comes to a close, we can’t wait to share with you all we have learned this year. Our Concert will feature the following musical groups:
MKS Worship Band
Music Makers
Music and Movement kids
MKS Youth Guitarists
Bravo Youth Choir
Allegro Concert Choir
Vivace Select Choir
BRIO Show Choir
You can check out the details of the live performance on our event page on Facebook. The concert is free, so invite your family and friends, and come celebrate the season with us through song! This concert will also be live-streamed.

Annual Fundraising Gala
We're excited to invite you to Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church on Q Street in Omaha. This event promises to be a memorable evening filled with fun! You’ll enjoy social time, catered dinner, a silent auction with incredible baskets full of goodies, and a stand-up comedy routine by local Christian comedian, Chris “Shoof” Scheufele.
Tickets are live and first-come first-serve. We also have a childcare option for parents wanting to come enjoy a fancy evening while their kids have an evening full of fun and activities on-location.
Come show your support and help us raise funds for our Christian Musical theatre program and our advanced choir, Vivace Select. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to make a difference while having a blast! See you there!

MKS Studio Open House
So what is this academy like, anyway? Well, we’re glad you asked! Come join us for a meet and greet open house on Monday, August 15th to learn more about the studio, meet the instructors, find where your classes will be, and get excited about learning.
We will be a meet & greet with all our teachers, a tour of Grace Central Church and our class rooms, and an interactive hands-on demo of our music courses! We’ll also be taking on-site enrollments for all classes and choirs. Everyone in attendance will be entered into a raffle drawing for some very special prizes and goodies. And did we mention yummy treats?
You don’t want to miss this! So spread the word, bring a friend, and come find out more about MKS Studio.

Annie Jr. Auditions (closed audition)
Save the date for our Sound of Music Jr. Auditions. This event is a closed audition for enrollees of our Musical Theater Workshop classes.
Current students participating will get the chance to read through the script with other students, learn and perform a short choreographed piece, and sing a solo. Please have your student prepare a song to share with us!