2nd Annual MKS Studio Black Tie Fundraising Gala

Come help us celebrate the blessings of a Christ-centered music and theater education program! Funds raised will go towards our full scale musical theater production of Peter Pan Jr. in the Spring of 2025, as well as a professionally produced music video for our Advanced Honors Choir: Vivace Select Choir.

This even promises to be a memorable evening filled with fun! You’ll enjoy social time, dinner, a silent auction and live entertainment.

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Help support MKS Studio through your donation


Q: What is MKS Studio? A: MKS Studio began as a private music lessons studio founded by homeschool mom and musician Monica Koffi, where she offered private instruction for piano, voice, guitar, ukulele, and choirs. 6 years later, the studio grew beyond capacity and MKS was birthed. Established in 2021, our goal is to offer the best classes to youth in the metro area and beyond. We foster a love of learning, and love of music, and a love of the arts from a Christian perspective.

Q: What is the dress code for this event? A: The dress code for this event is formal, black tie, Ladies, think floor length gowns. Gentlemen, think tuxedos.

Q: What are the funds raised from this event going towards? A: The funds raised from this event will go towards items needed for our full-scale musical production of Peter Pan Jr, professionally produced and recorded music video for our Vivace Select Choir, and to further support the Omaha Metro area homeschool community through scholarships.

Q: Are children allowed at this event? A: This is an adult only event and childcare will not be provided.

Q: Will there be gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan options available for dinner? A: Yes! We are happy to accommodate all dietary needs. If you have specific concerns, please feel free to reach out to us by email.

Q: Where do I park? A: Parking is easy for this event, as there is a large private parking lot for the church.

Q: I bought tickets but I can no longer attend, can I get a refund? A: Thank you for your support in purchasing tickets to our event! We are sad to hear you can longer attend! Unfortunately, tickets are non-refundable, but you are more than welcome to transfer them to someone else.

Q: What is the silent auction? A: An auction, typically one for charity, in which people bid for items in writing rather than by calling out or raising their hands.

Q: How will the silent auction work? A: Tables are set up to display each item for auction, and guests are provided a bid sheet to submit their offers. Throughout the event, silent bidders will browse items and anonymously make their bids, returning to some prizes outbid by their competitors.

Q: How long will the silent auction run, and how do I know if I’ve won? A: The silent auction will begin at 5 p.m. and conclude at 6:pm. If new bids are placed between 5:50-6:00 a final call for auction bids will be announced and the final bidding period will end at 6:10. The silent auction winners will be announced at 6:15.

Q: If I win a silent auction item am I required to pay? A: Once you place a bid or offer, you may not cancel it. When you bid on an item in a silent auction you are essentially making an offer to purchase it al that price. When the auction closes and your bid is chosen at the winning bid your offer has been accepted, and a binding contract is formed.

Q: How will payment for Silent auction items be made and when is payment due? A: We are happy to accept payment via PayPal, Venmo, or cash. Payment for silent auction items will need to be made at the conclusion of the silent auction. If you win your bid, please proceed to the silent auction table upon announcement ofy our win to make your payment and collect your item!