BRIO Show Choir
Ages 13-19
Does your homeschool teen like singing and dancing? Give them an opportunity to grow in those skills through show choir! For High school students ranging from 13 to 19 years old, this is an audition-only group for students with previous experience in a choir, or one year previously enrolled in Allegro Concert Choir. Auditions are held in August, and the class runs for a full year.
**There are additional performance opportunities for students in this class
Class Schedule
Mondays and Wednesday
9:00am to 10:30am
This class runs for two 12-week semesters, plus 6 extra rehearsals through December and January. Class time is 3 hours, and cost is $150/Month.
*Additional schedule and performance commitments
**Choir attire to be purchased by participants each year
Why Show Choir?
Show choir differs from traditional choir because of the choreographed dance routines and creative costumes. In this group, all individuals will purchase show choir costumes, and learn to dance on larger risers at different levels. We also introduce more jazz and higher energy pieces in this group, to give all students an eclectic taste of different musical genres.
*plus a $50 non-refundable enrollment fee per family due at sign-up, a $30 concert fee due at the end of each semester, and a $15 t-shirt fee. Mandatory participation is required in one fundraiser per semester.
BRIO Show Choir
Two 12 week semesters, plus 6 extra rehearsals through December and January. 30 weeks total