Vivacé Select Choir

Ages 13-18

This is an advanced choir of students ranging from 13 year olds to 18 year olds. The select choir is an audition-only choir that is for students with previous experience in a choir, or one year previously enrolled in Allegro Concert Choir. We dive into complex harmonization, blending, and advanced vocal techniques. They also perform at various events around Omaha, including singing the National Anthem at Charles Schwab Field and Werner Park, and performing at the Gene Leahy Mall in previous years. They complete their year with the recording and producing of a professional music video.

Class Schedule


6:00pm to 7:30pm

This class runs for a full year of 30 weeks. Class time is 90 minutes, and cost is $130/Month.

*Additional schedule and performance commitments

**Choir attire (dress or suit) to be purchased by participants each year

***Multiple Required Fundraisers

2024 Choir Video

Our 2024 Vivacè Select Choir is proud to present our performance of the song "Jesus, Thank You". Original music and words by Pat Sczebel. © 2003 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP, Sovereign Grace Worship/ASCAP

2023 Choir Video

Our 2023 Vivacé Select Choir proudly presents “Give Me Jesus”, arranged by Andy Smigielski. Conducted by Monica Koffi and Emily Perina, with recording by Tesco Productions, and shot by Rend Motion.

2022 Choir Video

Our 2022 Vivacè Select Choir is proud to present our performance of the song "Lord, Give Me Just a Little More Time". This song is written by Albert E. Brumley, arranged by Derrick Fox.

2021 Choir Video

Our 2021 spring Vivacé Select Choir proudly presents “Danny Boy”, arranged by Nancy Grundahl. Conducted by Monica Koffi, with accompaniment by Jeanie Williams.

Taking choir to the next level

You have recognized in your teen their skill and love of singing, and you are ready to push them to the next level. This is the place for you! This group is a year long commitment, with fundraising opportunities, tour dates, and a music video recording at the end of the year. Contact us to learn more!

Vivacé at the College World Series!

Vivace' Select Choir was chosen to perform the National Anthem at the 11th game of the 2022 Men's College World Series.

Our group was chosen from among over 100 applicants, from 17 states across the US. Great job Vivace’!


**plus a $50 non-refundable enrollment fee per family due at sign-up, a $30 concert fee due per semester, and a $15 t-shirt fee. Mandatory participation in one fundraiser per semester.

*All Participants required to purchase choir attire for their student

Vivace Select Choir

two 12 week semesters, plus 6 additional rehearsals through December and January, 30 weeks total


Allegro Concert Choir


BRIO Show Choir